and how do you think he can afford his motorsports lifestyle? gotta pay the bills somehow.
Smoke n’ Dudes was the most delicious thing I’ve ever put in my mouth! hahaha
(really though, that shit was good)
I cant wait for the next shirtless day at LRP… hahaha
hahaha, hes just waving to his fans, but happens to be in front of smokin dudes
That. Was a good day.
Yes, we all smoked a lot of dudes that day.
But is that really any differint than every day?
i want smokin dudes…fuckin disapointed when they werent there this year. the beer made up for it.
Jim got a nice hand print on him at out last trip to LRP and made a dollar
Some more then others…cough Brew cough
Definitely a good time as was this past year…Harpoon FTW!
me and jclark totally tag team some smoke n’ dudes meat and housed that shit… that was the best meet i’ve shared with jclark ever :nod
jclark loves smokin dudes at the track
true story
:shifty I don’t come into your lifestyle and judge you.
who has the pic from malt river of him and jon adams sharing cheesecake? :banana :crackup
:crackup WINNAR!!!
Your jealousy is palpable.