Girls drifting 10 min of japanese cute girls drifting their hearts out…

waits for fobwalls "OLD"

anyways these girls kick ass and its 10 min long.


this will be seasons sister next year… just watch

waits for fobwalls “OLD”

lol so true about that guy, I’ll be suprised if he dosnt have the most 2 word posts, what a waste of post space he is.

P.s Homo music but prity hot cars.

i think ill make this a japanese girl drifting thread, or girl drifting in general.


dammmm those are all wifes and mothers… fc has baby in passenger seat… gangster.

maybe my sister will be that cool next year lol

lol yes season!!!


NICE VIDS… :slight_smile:

That first vid. 6:30 is the best part. Watch the apex.

at one point in the first video, there is a girl that pulls the e-brake and leaves it on for a big straight and two more turns lol

I feel like street drifting to release some rage.

I lost a case at trial today and all i wanted to do was do some street drifting in top of 2nd gear

I can dream right? lol

I’m coming back with a hatch or coupe…I can’t stand not ripping a 240 =*(

you better buy a hatch, or buy a 180…doooo it!

Lol, the girl in the white S14 is better than every1 on SON haha.

Samson, hatches are gay, be cool and get a coupe.

Hahaha the first vid is awesome, homo music or not. Such an nice, relaxed vibe.

u cant escape from real drifting once u get into it. its not a tail whip. ur addicted forever.

we need more girl drifters in ontario. wat am i saying. we need girl drifters period. we have none as of right now 2008.

This is about 2 years old… I have the dvd myself. That’s how old it is.

IRo, go fuck yourself.

Which of those girls was supposed to be the really cute one?

^^ LOL Not the best looking asian girls…

my girlfriend owns a 240, she drifts it but not much, she ripped my green car at shannonville tho. soon she will be at events

EEEEEEEE-unit, that’s for E thug if you dont know.lol

i liked the third video, and in the first one i liked the yellow hatch.

So what this tells me is, son240 guys can’t drift like these girls and are lonely and want to bonker these girls because they can :stuck_out_tongue: bwahaha jk.