JDM Tampon + Epic Fail

my jdm tampon on my tow hook courtesy of Zach01GC!

super epic fail painting stock kia rims…

we are starting a new style…fuck leanin’ back


Is that Zach in the last picture? … If so … OMFG he shaved

Yeah that was me. You’re welcome for the sick Toyotampon.

I think my clear coat job covered the fail a little.

Nice … If I sat that close in my truck … I wouldn’t be able to lift my leg high enough for the clutch

Yeah that position lasted for about 30 seconds. My knees were against the dash… I figured if we wrecked I would’ve been, too. No good.

haha. u should’ve painted the tampon red or something.

haha we were thinking that too

hahaahahahah the commercial for the playtex gentle glide was just on!!! bahahaha

shouldn’t retarded pics like that be reserved for your myspace page?

mmnooo b/c ive been banned from there for hitting on 14yr old girls sooo

Who stole their mums tampon :kekegay:

I found it in the parking lot, still in the wrapper. What a find.

tell the truth zach… it was partly opened.


Nice pics lol