jeeves vs. firehawk853

because i dont put up with the stupid shit people say :gotme:

I’ve said it before and i’ll say it again. Go see how much i ever talk about my car. I could careless what other people think about it. I build it for me and i havent put much into it. If people talk shit about it i’ll talk it right back to them. All these people bitching and moaning in here about how it couldnt be true and that there is no way it happened and this is all just a lie to get me to the top is a bunch of BS. The funny thing is all the people calling BS yet no one willing to race me and prove otherwise. Seriously, race me and beat me, i dont care. There is always going to be someone with more money who is faster. Thats all it boils down to is who is willing to put more money into their car. If im so slow then this would be an easy way for someone else to be king.

And lazie, you are the one that started shit with me crying up a storm. Fix your car, call me out and race me. I could careless if you beat me or not, but dont sit there crying about it.

And seriously, i posted a kill, chuck agreed that it happened, and we have witnesses to the race. If i dont get put in the spot im suppose to be in then take me completely off the list because its a bunch of bullshit then.