jeeves vs. firehawk853


Vote Choda drama free street hero champion in 06’ :tup:

EVVVerybody love chooooddaaa, yes indeed they do

LOL…More SackRiders!!!

because i dont put up with the stupid shit people say :gotme:

I’ve said it before and i’ll say it again. Go see how much i ever talk about my car. I could careless what other people think about it. I build it for me and i havent put much into it. If people talk shit about it i’ll talk it right back to them. All these people bitching and moaning in here about how it couldnt be true and that there is no way it happened and this is all just a lie to get me to the top is a bunch of BS. The funny thing is all the people calling BS yet no one willing to race me and prove otherwise. Seriously, race me and beat me, i dont care. There is always going to be someone with more money who is faster. Thats all it boils down to is who is willing to put more money into their car. If im so slow then this would be an easy way for someone else to be king.

And lazie, you are the one that started shit with me crying up a storm. Fix your car, call me out and race me. I could careless if you beat me or not, but dont sit there crying about it.

And seriously, i posted a kill, chuck agreed that it happened, and we have witnesses to the race. If i dont get put in the spot im suppose to be in then take me completely off the list because its a bunch of bullshit then.

where did i cry about it at all. i just dont like bullshitters and dude ur not gonna be at the top. no vid no spot. your only witness was your friends. no other witnessed it. vid of in chucks car winding it out to full potiential of the car and then you can get added to the top. if you beat him once you shouldnt have a problem beating him again. but last i heard he wasnt reving past 5 g cuz his fuel system was maxed out so if thats the case that dont count. your not gonna race your buddy when he wasnt at full go to get to the top.
but its like me taking my crew member knowning he is slower makeing a thread sayign he beat me to get him to the top then just beating him again to keep my crew near the top. its all a bunch of bullshit and dont worry ill be gunning for you. so stop crying about it “wah wah wah i wanna be on the top wah wah if im not im gonna cry”

here stealth said it best

why worry about the fucking > or < spots…

I love the fucking drama in this thread.

I want to be added to the very bottom of the chain.
because my life is dependent on NYspeed hierarchy

Only people at the top of the list get to be president of the USA or Canada or CEO of a multinational corporation or at the very least a manager at McDonalds…

import bandwagon? wtf does that even mean?
and when did i question jeeves supersonic speed as compared to me?
get off the fbod guys acting like shitheads bandwagon.

This is a lot of BS here and the only way to clear it up is with a vid.

If we weren’t talking about the top spot here it wouldn’t matter as much.

But both sides have legit arguments so how about this:

I’ll give both Jeeves and Firehawk gas money and we’ll go out and tape another run. Or run again and have badass tape it. Otherwise I’m not going to do anything with the standings.

If you can do it once, you can do it twice.

From now on, any races that effect the top-spot must be taped or this is going to happen again. People are going to bitch; we’ve all been around the internet long enough to know that. And there are enough people out there now with cameras, not just myself. You can all thank your own competitive nature :tup:

haha, Onyx ftw :tup:

he’s got a good point though jeeves if you did it once you can easily do it again. its for the top spot so its not unreasonable to ask fora vid. do it up and get everyone to stfu :tup:

dude if you dont want to be bothered with it…then why even post in this thread. cool we all know you dont care so move on. i personally just like to get people fired up, and people like jeeves take the internet serious lol

onyx fucking owning in this hizzy.


onyx :tup:

Just like sherm said you need:

Video proof
Satellite images of the race
Satellite video of the race with GPS from each car
Signed and notarized report of the race down to the last detail
25+ witnesses
VINs from both cars
oil samples
and post race inspections of both vehicles ( like NASCAR)

then after all that is no one bitches and complains on NYSpeed, then you can be in the top spot

ur a homo…go hump newman or do whatever it is u do. u r slow.

It shoudnt be a problem, not like they dont like to run their cars. Besides josh will pay for gas.

and it took an entire day before someone even posted what actually happend in the race…
If you look at all the other ?? > ??? threads…there were explanations of what happend. Usually someone gets excited about it, but for a top spot race all thats posted is “>”

Josh made the thread, it’s his call…and its a good one. If it was a race in the middle of the chain nobody would care.

I dont see why Chuck would lie about losing and if he did thats just pittiful…who would half ass a race to get their friend to the top of an internet car chain…is this fucking 3rd grade???..if I was on top I would make sure the person who took me off would earn the spot but that might just be me???

both ppl that run need to be at 100% if they wanna move up…otherwise its stupid drama.

so my question to chuck…were you, or were you not running 100%, this means normal boost, full tune, and fully revving it out. if the answer is yes to all 3 then rematch with video tape. if not then this thread is dead.

This is what should’ve happened instead of all this bitching and moaning


Just run again. This time film it. Not a difficult thing to do. especially between two friends :gotme: