jeeves vs. firehawk853

reading this just wants me to get my z28 sooner.


i think u should call out jeeves ya post whore

mayyybeeee i willllllllllll

maybe you should too in 5 years when you car is done



A race is a race…

Maybe both cars should have equal HP…and equal race weights :bloated:

Its some stupid fucking chain on NYspeed of all places…this isnt some national drag racing event…So Jeeves beat the firehawk…if you all think its a bunch of BS…why don’t one of you step up and take out jeeves from that spot in a race? Instead your getting all bent on the forum :bloated:

+1 :tup:

put jeeves on top, who cares, if ppl think he is not faster then chuck then all they have to do is run jeeves and they will be ahead of him ANd chuck, i dont see what the big deal is, personally i dont think that they are trying to “slingshot” eachother, but even if they did, its going to make it easier for the next guy to get ontop, enough bitching

why doesn’t someone whos near where jeeves used to be on the greater than thread just fucking man up already and race him, If I had something that could hang, I’d be all over it :gotme: Yes a video would be nice exspecially for a race involving a few of the fastest cars on the forum. :gotme:


what a fucking bunch of idiots.

jeeves beat chuck. no reason to lie on either end. if i raced mark, we wouldnt lie about who won. theres no fucking point.

jeeves is king of the mountain. no need to whine or bitch or moan. if you think you are king, then make a call out.

no…idiots are people who dont ask questions

If I just say I’m >you

people are going to want to know why. when they’re not told and it take an entire day to get to that, that makes people think.

No reason why it can’t happen again :tup:

If there is no money involved and BOTH people who raced agree on the results, who the fuck cares… Enough is enough.



If both sides agree that should be it. There is too much BS going on in this thread. If you don’t think Jeeves should be on top then race him and beat him, if your car isn’t a contender then STFU because no matter what it has nothing to do with you.

Firehawk said his car was 100% and that he lost to Jeeves.

seriously who cares who’s faster… WTF whole bunch a little school girls.

its a bunch of f-bods.

what did you expect?

Here is the problem:

The whole > thread is all about other people’s entertainment.

Who you should race / when you should race is another huge part of being in the > thread. Participation is what keeps it going.

And yet another huge part of the > thread is showing people what your car can do compared to the other members. Comparing trap speeds and times from the track doesn’t compare to physically beating someone. It’s all about what other people think. If you don’t care what anyone thinks about it, why be part of it at all?

I’m not in a hurry to put someone on the chain who isn’t interested in the basics of how and why it works. You said it I didn’t. There is too much ‘yellow’ in the chain right now as it is to put someone on top with the attitude you show in the posts I’ve quoted.

My offer still stands to get you guys to run it again - prove the skeptics wrong since that’s what being on the chain is about. But if you’re put up there and you are not active or you “get pissed when people tell me who i should race and when i should race” then you’re going to be taken off anyway.

Choda 4 President x 100000 :tup:

i like choda. a lot.

are u retarded? fucking dimwit, the f-bod guys are the people saying who the fuck gives a shit. its (mostly*) the import drivers and moron ball lickers / leg humpers on the site who are making this explode to 9,271 pages.

jeeves beat firehawk. who cares why or how or when. they even posted the details. no one should be complaining who is about 10 steps down the list, or who has a broken car, or who has no car at all.

ball lickers and leg humpers don’t make sense in this situation…being that they aren’t supportive of what happend.

How it happend is very important, how could it not be?

Doesnt matter thoguh, Onyx has spoken.

personally, I’d just like to see the race, but I guess the 3 way race that is being set up will do :tup: