jeeves vs. firehawk853

hmm… after some reading… i realize just how fucking stupid most of you are.

Just cause Jeeves beat chuck doesn’t make him the king…
> Chuck… yes
> Everyone else in the jpg ? No.

BBC Nova boy says he is done street racing… oh, everytime he opens his mouth.
BLKUUS6 walked the EVO pretty good which is more than I can say for your lil hero Choda… who traps 2mph lower than Chuck.

There are also a couple other cars on this forum who will most likely walk everyone on the list but they haven’t raced anyone on the list yet. I don’t blame them. They have enough sack riders… (cough, Lil’Palms, cough)

And why aren’t any of these fuckin dumestiks racing from a dig? Or racing at the track?