Jeremy Clarkson doesn't like the GTR

I am a bit surprised and he holds nothing back with his displeasure of this car. My favorite line is “it can’t arose my wedding vegetables” LOL

wow… i thought he was just backhand complimenting the car. But no hes really bashing it. Spoilt wanker!

“it looks like it fell into the ugly fire…and they put it out with sledgehammers” HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA

I still like it though and think it looks good!

watch this one

I guess he changed his mind? I dont get it…:blink:

maybe that eye infection opened his eyes. lol

I have never heard anyone complain about a car handling tooo well?? hahaha wtf this car handles sooo well its not fun!!! fuck this I want something thats out of control!!!

The best is his neck injury. hahaha

he probably changed his mind when he dropped the transmission out of the test vehicle.

He did mention every engine is hand built and no two are the same, they are also mated to the tranny. Is it possible that the first test car wasn’t as fast or powerful as the second test car? I think that if you are looking for balls out performance, a production based car is not the way to go. Still, I wouldn’t turn one down if it were offered…

Wow two exact oposite reviews of the same car by the same guy??? Corprate influence?