jerking/tugging steering wheel- axle?

so my 94 civic just started doing this the other day- on decel/shifting or coasting in neutral there is an intermittent jerk/tug to the right in the steering wheel. I havent felt in on accel at all.

what could this be? I’m thinking pass side axle

or diff on the way out?

Probably axle, I’ve had the same thing happen on two different cars.

The similiar problems are sometimes traced back to a bad differential too. JFYI

yep, almost certainly bad axle… happened on my 95 shitvic :stuck_out_tongue:

pulling the wheel to the right, should be passenger side axle.

yeah i was kinda thinking that too, eh well it’ll be a great excuse to drop an lsd in the car :smiley:

i’ll see what happens replacing the axles for now

thx for the help guys :slight_smile:

maybe a broken motor/tranny mount?