jersey poll

seems like a hot topic right now. I don’t think it has an outcome on the game persoanlly but tradition is tradition. I don;t think the steelers need superstition or luck or devine intevention.

White because of the road thing. They have been winning on the road. I also think its helps benn pick out the recievers better (jk) :smiley:

white cause of the streak

was black what they lost with to dallas under cower in the SB?

well the winning streak is 7 games and two of them were at home in black jerseys. i think in rare cases does the color actually matter :ie tampa bay back when they wore all white in a blizzard. ben did hit three players in blue they just couldn’t catch. I think detroit is gonna be more like a home game for the steelers. You’ll destincly hear “here we go” chants over the TV. A team like the steelers is all about tradition i don’t see why u change for susperstion. Do the steelers announce their offensive starters at the SB instead of defense?

i’m liking the wearing of the white…1, for the streak and 2, for breaking the tradition…which is somethin we never do, so its a welcome change. maybe one day we can break tradition even more and get a 3rd jersey or maybe black pants…just a thought

if you break tradition what’s ur idenity? tradition is what the steelers are. why not just put the logo on both sides then to break tradition. Good luck charms and superstion is all phony. If ur a player you should feel u’ll win cause ur great not cause of your color jersey or a streak. it might make you feel good but its fake and means ZERO at game time.

you would love to see men in black tights woudnt you?

we are wearing white cuase its kinda tradition

and plus

the seahawsk jersys are all a dark green, pants, shirts, helmet, they are all the same color, and blend in with the turf, soo they will kinda be like camoflauging themsevles

if hasselback has to scramble, and looking down field fast, he might overlook somebody, b/c he didnt not notice them

they are metallic blue.

cutty why are you arguing about this. You asked what people thought and every time its against your opinion you are going to quote them and argue?

Next thing you will be saying that we’re not true fans.

You want to get technical?

Technically both teams are away SB Sunday because neither are palying at there REAL homes.


and to think after all these years im finally liking mikey and his thoughts.

its seems that a person who thought the steelers dont amount to anything now has opinions on the jerseys and superstitions


Most of the time I get into fights its over people trashing me or my family
(no pun intened), trying to help people and they are being cunt rags, or someone spouting shit that isn’t logical one bit…

white,cause ben & benis look cuter in white!

i’m not argueing. cause i really think it has no bearin to the play on the field. i’m giving a different perspective. Its appreant that its some distraction to the team now since the media is making it an issue. they could have easily went with black and that’d been the end of it. Ur puttin words in my mouth and quik is makin up thoughts i never had. :wtf:

:kekegay: :gaysex:

:kekegay: yeah ben does…

i dont really watch football but i choose white :slight_smile: