Jersey Shore RPG

:rofl :rofl

lol classic


Missed jshore last night, I’ll have to check the DVR or see it Saturday.

The related video Jackass for girls had me rolling

+1 :rofl:rofl:rofl

lol + rep

OMFG!!! :rofl :rofl :rofl “You have to spread some reputation around before giving it to Boost Creep again.”

:lol GTL with Mario Paint music was the best

hahaha +rep :lol:lol

that took alot of effort

That’s what I’m saying. Straight up legit game. Could sell that :rofl

Why did I get Pokemon when I had my Game Boy Color…this would have been SOOOO much better!!!

I think the real question is why the fuck are you buying not only the Game Boy Color, but the fucking Pokemon game… seriously???

Because I got it when I was 7…?

That was great. Lol

lol +rep

Haha omg

lol should have had a one shot kid that was one shot.


in the 1st season when Ron got arrested for knocking the dude out with One shot and he was jumping around saying that. Thats was one shot kid one shot.