Jesse Jackson is a fucking piece of shit

that is all.

No way, Jesse jackson ?!?!

welcome to 1999 and louiis farakhan too. he is one step worse than jesse jackson

dont forget al sharpton

and this is why obama cant win. i mean he can distance himself all he wants… but there are a lot of people who fear the power jackson could get from a black pres. jesse jackson FTMFL.

Him and sharpton trying to put Imus out of radio was just well beyond rediculas.

Their more raciast then the racists they attack.

Its funny because Jesse Jackson’s son even said his dad is out of touch with the times and is doing more harm than good.

i think it was a set up from the Obama camp

he must be doing something right, everyone still talks about him.

how can you not? the asshole pokes into everyones business

go cut his nuts off & I’ll eat’em!

I like Reggie Jackson ,he was one of the greatest players in the game

no, you like micheal jackson cause he likes hot dogs too!



Dont mess with the king of Pop…

you mean soda


