hahahaha Jessie Jackson is a hypocrite

I hope that people he has attacked in the past slap the shit out of him.


Good.Another reason hate this asshole

i guess…or he is just honest :gotme:

Jackson has called on the entertainment industry, including rappers, actors and studios, to stop using the N-Word. He also urged the public to boycott purchasing DVD copies of the TV sitcom “Seinfeld” after co-star Michael Richards was taped using the word during a rant at a Los Angeles comedy club in 2006.

The Rev. Al Sharpton, who has joined Jackson in opposition of the word, said Wednesday he wanted to hear the comments for himself and declined to discuss Jackson specifically.

“I am against the use of the N-word by anyone and I think we must be consistent,” he told The Associated Press. “We must not use the word.”

“I also pray that we, as a nation, can move on to address the real issues that affect the American people.”

Yea, like double standards you asshole.


bitches get slapped for sayin stupid shit like that

there is no problem with the word nigger. it’s all context.

jesse jackson saying: “he’s telling niggers how to behave” really isnt all that bad coming from a black dude.


double standards do not belong

Oh really now, who didn’t see it coming.

Ya but will people jump all over him like they did to Don Imus and make him lose his “job”? I think not.

of coarse not

we probably wont hear about this again.

:word: Does anyone actually think he believes all the shit he spews?

Do you think he wants North Dakota as well?


lol jessie jackson is a racist asshole.

did you know the british version of the “n” word is nignog? (ours is better)

i cant stand this d bag


good. Make him return the favor and kiss Randy Marsh’s ass.

Not suprised. He is a butt puppet.