hahahaha Jessie Jackson is a hypocrite

double standards are absolutely necessary.

the lack of double standards means more women in decision making positions… how can you AGREE with that?

glass ceiling serves an important purpose.

racism is fucking stupid, but even more stupid than racism is the people who use racism as a platform for ulterior motives.

moreover, the guys on this forum and on this whole continent in our demographic should be past racism… its a 1960’s thing like no sex before marriage and straight line performance.

race is barely a consideration. our differences are something to be made light of because of how insiginficant they are.

haha, black skin, how meaningless it is. nigger, what a word oh my… moving on please.


The point is he himself said no one should use it… and then he did.

i dont know why that needed to be explicitely stated here… it’s pretty obvious.

but, it does look like some people either missed it or dismissed it as irrelevant.

i love that when buffalo burried the “N-word” last year and the “N” was upside down on the casket.

I mean c’mon people…you’re focus is on this one letter, at least make sure it is right. btw, it was obvious because of the font.

So what is his job? His Action network. He’s an annoying figurehead that loves getting in the spotlight. This shit will get swept under the rug. I do hope they release the tape on this and they jump all over his ass.

hes black, he doesnt work

lol oops…did i just say that

:P, joke of course