Jesse Ventura and Sean Hannity

Somewhat entertaining…

“He reads the teleprompter!”

“At least we have a president now who can read one.”


even better.

I HATE THAT BITCH! She gives conservatives a bad name.

Ventura 2012?

I love the how an oil tycoon is going to try and redefined torture when all I have heard from any vet that it is and will always be torture.


Dick Cheney = Water boarding is not torture.

War Vets = Water boarding is torture.

Who do you think has a better understanding of torture?

I was actually referring to sentence structure.

Just because they are war vets, they are the end all be all of deciding what the definition of torture is? That’s hilarious.

I happen to have multiple war vet friends that think water boarding is not torture.

I want to waterboard your ugly car.

you and me both.

Will it tell us things?

Jesse was on Howard Stern this week. This guy is freaking amazing. We need more like him.

My guess would be it would say it’s a POS that needs to burn to the ground…however it would just be telling me what I want to hear :mamoru:

Its torture, its wrong. You’re wrong. Stop trying to defend something that I will be most likely teaching as a black mark in American history.

i absolutely despise you.

fuck shawn hannity

I doubt hat. They still teach kids that Christopher was a great guy.

Not really. We don’t demonize him but we do include the negatives of his voyages.

Maybe not in Elementary though.

Why? I’m not repeating anything but the truth. It has been designated torture internationally for decades, all of our military branches call it torture. Our experts in the SEARS program calls it torture. Many of our vets as well as torture victim John McCain calls it torture.

Why do you defend torture? Experts on torture say that it leads to nothing but shit we want to hear in order to make the pain stop. How reliable is that?

The only ones trying to redefine water boarding as not being torture are those who are at risk for facing criminal charges. AKA: Darth Dickhead Cheney