More gitmo torture details

Susan Crawford told the Washington Post newspaper that Mohammad al-Qahtani had been left in a “life-threatening condition” after being interrogated.

oh noes? what did we do to him?

She said Mr Qahtani had been subjected to sustained periods of cold, isolation and sleep deprivation

Is that all? That doesn’t sound too bad.

According to a report by Amnesty International, Mr Qahtani was at various times forced to wear women’s clothes and was tied by a lead and forced to perform animal tricks.


I literally LOL’d.

yep, rather wear womens clothes and do animal tricks than get my head sawed off…

Fuck all those whiny bitches. Kill em already.

You do realize more then half the people in Gitmo are probably innocent right? When we used to raid houses they would take everyone and detain them, with or without charges being filed, obviously there are a lot of terrorists but not all of them, they recently released some prisoners that have been detained for like 3+ without being charged with anything, so think about that, were holding them prisoner for nothing and your paying for it with you tax dollars. Don’t get me wrong Im all for killing the bastards who are terrorists but I still believe in being innocent until proven guilty. And holding someone as a prisoner without being charged with anything is honestly bullshit, doesn’t matter if your white, arab, black, latin, or whatever.

#1. Your right, they are not all guilty.

#2. We don’t raid a house and send everyone in it to GITMO. Only very special cases or high value targets.

#3 Point of the article is that Amnesty international considers cross-dressing life-threatening torture.

I said everyone is detained when a house is raided (I didn’t mean everyone was sent to GITMO, that’s my bad for not clarifying) And I understand the point of the article, just stating my opinion on the whole situation though.