belly button way too high. kill it with fire.
Nit pick, nit pick. I’d rip that shit up six ways from sunday and never look back…
I think you missed what I was getting at.
Looks like they found the guys along with a shit ton of other peoples stolen stuff in a house 10 minutes from hers.
crazy. Scumbags.
Yea, for those who said “They will never be caught”. They were caught in 10 days. lol
THEY werent caught, just the items found, correct???
and from what I read, it seem’s they have been getting away with it, for years so they do infact know what they are doing. They just got greedy and decided to take the wrong car this time around from someone famous 10 miles down the road.
i think you need to learn how to read.
Bro do you even lift?
Bro, do you even read?
Just thought this should be on every page
Nah, I just fish man.
I read the link Nick posted, and on page 5 of his post they didnt have anyone yet. Only a few suspects…
I clicked Ryan’s link and it looked the same. Didnt read it.
sorry, I didnt read the other thread…
sweet Miata dude.
Yeah I’ve heard that.