Jet lag sux

Woke up at 1:20 am and was finally bored enough to get out of bed at 3.

This fucking sucks…

How many children did you adopt while in Africa?

Jet lag > Turbo lag

Amirite? :dunno:

I would take Turbo Lag over Jet lag…at least with Turbo lag you end up with something in the end.

Jet Lag is good for nothing.

ps - no kids were adopted on this trip…they were smuggled illegally in my carry-on.

Dude you go away a lot, Let me know next time you go throuh south africa. You can hide my GF if your bag so she can go back to her home for a bit.

That a’boy, get er’ done! :cool:

Was it a good trip?

anytime you are able to actually xcome back from africa should be classified as a good trip.

Dan, how was the African Lion Safari there?

Pics of south african hotties? :dunno:

No hotties… the only pussies I saw were 500lbs lions

No hotties… the only pussies I saw were 500lbs

i know i know

hahaha .