Jetta THERMOSTAT Help...

So let’s pray that this is the last thread I make about this car and how it’s falling apart. Also, I’d like to acknowledge that when I sell this car (which will be soon at the rate this is going) that I replaced and repaired EVERYTHING that was wrong with this pile of crap.

My issue now, thermostat stuck open.

Anyone have experience with replacing thermostats on a 1.8t motor before? I can’t find a decent DIY online and the few I did find make it seem like it’s going to be a bitch.

I’m fed up with fixing this car so if no one knows how I’m just going to take it to a real mechanic and let em have at it.

VW <— THERE’S your problem!

VW’s run forever, just not at 100%, cuz something is always broken.

trade you straight up for smurfette.

^ I checked Jam, they have the DIY for everything but a 1.8T thermostat lol, no joke.

This thread has everything:

I also searched archived and recent, nada.

I somehow find this reeeeaallyyyy hard to believe

ok. find the thermostat housing. pull off the hose that goes to it. pull out the themostat. if its open, you found your problem. replace with new. put hose back on. idk if 1.8t’s have a bleeder or you just burp it but you should be good after that.

t stat housing should be somewhere on the head, and the hose should connect from the block to the top of the radiator. good luck

The t-stat is behind the alternator. My issue is that it looks like I need to disassemble half the freaking engine to get to the alternator in the first place.

ahhhh good old 1.8t’s

good luck!!

its located in a coolent hose behind your alt. I know an out of work VW tech… he works cheap.

lol, I’m at the point to post a FS thread already.

1.8t’s might be made by the hand of God, but I’m atheist.

PM’ed lol


scroll halfway down page…VIOLA!

^invalid page lol

And yeah I read that DIY, but it’s not detailed and I have a throttle body in my way, IMO that DIY is shit lol

A thermostat is this complicated?

scsilver2: I’ve read that thread already, he’s missing info on the thermostat part, he removed pieces that aren’t listed, that’s where my issue is. It’s easy to say “Remove TB tube and then HEY THERES THE THERMOSTAT!”, its more like hmm…how the fuck am I supposed to get into that little space (that’s what he said)

Jason: Probably not but I don’t have asian hands to get to it like the DIY shows.


last and only thermostat i ever had to change out was on a 94 taurus. Was simple, car was a huge POS.

here is a pic:

Edit: i just got your pm…

This is what I’m seeing on my car:

(The trim piece can obviously by removed, but underneath there is tubing, wiring and whatnot)

I don’t have a straight access to the bolts like all these pictures online. I just don’t want to start tearing apart the engine to get to a $15 part