Jiggsy Built ..

Man, you’re a retard.
I’m not a liar, and what the fuck are you talking about? Again you have no clue and are just spewing shit out to look hard on here.

You’re really an idiot. :facepalm

Word, my dad would be the first one to tell you too if he paid for shit if I was saying I did because that’s how he is…but that’s not the case, he’ll tell you how it is and has told a bunch of people here that have met him…Actually, those who have met him have probably heard him say he hates working on my “pieces of shit”.
I work for my shit, and for a while I was working for my cars…which is stupid, but that’s basically where each pay check would go.
christ, I feel like there’s people targeting me and how I pay for my shit on here every few months, what the fuck.