Jiggsy Built ..

I understand we all need money to put food on the plate, but doing half assed work for free then top shelf work on the books, is a shitty business practice. As you can see here. People remember negitive shit much easier than positive, thats why all you see on the news is cheating on wives, and alledged penis text messages, people remember that shit instead of how many touch downs they threw in 2003 or how many majors they won in their rookie season.

Anything worth doing is worth doing well, deosnt matter if your doign it for beans and beer, or a massive paycheck. If you said YES I WILL DO IT FOR YOU, you already commited, so DO WORK!

Supports my above statment if its true what you said. If you know your shit, then prove it by doing it right every time you pick up a wrench. I make it a goal NOT to half ass shit, take my time and pay attention. More people are starting to see my work, and I do not want a “krazy kid built…” thread about a tire flying off and killing an endangered owl beasue I only tightened the lugs with a 1/2" ratchet instead of a torque wrench because I was only given a slice of pizza and a redbull in return for my services.