Jiggsy Built ..

john your fine!!!

THIS IS MY MOTHER FUCKIN PULL PARTY… You need permission to pull on my shit. I’m no handicapped slutwhore.

I like how this was LaDude’s thread… now it is clearly HotWheels. :sHa_rofl:

ummmmmm dude , im sorry to tell ya this but your in a chair man . so yeah ya are a handicapped slut


And you talk to me with that dirty whorish mouth like that again, you’ll need a chair yourself.

who the fuck ladoodledick?

Keep laughing murrdog, KEEP LAUGHING.

you dirty… dirty slut, you

You’ve never bought me dinner, what gives you the right to call me a slut.

P.S. When we do meet, don’t leave an open container around me… I will pill it and I will rape you.

sick FUCK

I don’t know, I feel like your propositioning me.

He did capitalize