Jim P vs SSmokin

Should be!! I’m gonna be a roll fag lol

11’ 5.0???!?!?!

I don’t wanna say anything, but you’ll see it when its out and tuned in the spring! Don’t wanna bench race too much lol

looks like im going to be the slowest car around :rofl :cry


Haha, its gonna suck getting rolled on by a queer!! :rofl

yah that would suck…problem is you wont be that queer LOL

So I’ll beat you and only be a little gay? Is that what you’re saying?? Lmao

no im saying you wont be the queer to beat me lollllLL

I’d hafta try pretty hard to lose LOL, but who knows, we’ll see how it goes come spring!


then whats the new toy buttercup??

Smokin got a peek at my new set up yesterday on accident. I phail :frowning:

Can’t expose it yet sir, sorry!!

want to have a arowana brawl??

I actually wanna sell mine if u know of anyone lol. He’s cool as fuck but I can’t justify spending the money on a 125+ setup right now. I trained him to hand feed too, cool little guy!

they all hand feed naturally lollll

just bring him back to eddies before he gets too big like mine and they wont take him

Didn’t buy him there tho, and they are gonna Jew me hard on the price…

you dont need to buy him there.

how much did you pay? $50?

I will give you 10.00 sir