job dilema....

i currently work at applebees in lockport. ive been there about 3 years and ive made a pretty solid name for myself. im on the higher end of senority and i get good shifts and i generally always get the days off i ask for, etc. throw into the mix that i work with my sister and she is the one who got me the job there in the 1st place. i enjoy working with my sister, and all the other people i work with. however, i live downtown and commuting to lockport SUCKS. not to mention lockport isnt the most happening of places, and business could def be better at times.

the dilema, i have an opportunity to get a job at another restaurant in amherst (closer to home, closer to school). itll be just opening so ill be starting out equal senority wise. i have the opportunity to make a lot more money, and just be better off in all aspects. but theres also the chance that ill hate the people that i work with, i wont make as much money, ill get shitty shifts, and itll fail miserably for me, and i wont be able to go back to applebees.

financially, im comfortable now, and it wont hurt me if i stay where im at. its just a nuisance.

CLIFFS NOTES: my job is ok, but i think i might be able to do better. do i leave somewhere im EXTREMELY comfortable on a whim with the possibility to fail?

Give applebees 2 weeks, leave on good terms, and they will always be a fall back if you need them. Just dont give them too much info. Dont tell them where you are going, just that you need a change for a while.

make up an excuse why you would need an extended leave of absence… try out thsi other place if it’s all that great call and quit the other place.
tell them your joining the pace corps or some shit

its just a restaurant job, ditch that shit and give the new one a shot. if that one sucks, find a new one.

It sounds like you’re a bit scared. This sounds funny, but make a list of the pros and cons of leaving Applebees. Seriously. If there are more pros, then obviously you know what to do.

Maybe you can get to know who you’re going to work with before you actually start working there? Go there and ask if you can just observe or something???

keep the jgb at applebees, what restaurant is opening up in amherst?

its a smart iidea. this is what i did when i decided to goto mckinnley. i absolutely hate it there i get an argument everyday. iam pretty close to punching a 50 yearold one eyed guy in the face. but the moneys better

smokey bones. dawn youre right, i am a bit scared to leave. its a matter of feeling secure and comfortable with my current job. yeah, its just a restaurant job, but its my college job and i need it to pay my bills just the same as any 9-5 guy needs to pay his bills. and to all of you who are saying ‘‘get a leave of absence’’ or some shit, thats not gonna work when everyone is friends with everyone, and i work with my sister. word travels pretty fast, and there arent many secrets there, so id never get away with it.

Are they hiring still?

lets put it this way, you’re obviously not going to be staying at your current job you’re whole life, so you know eventually you’re going to leave there. you now have an opportunity to make more money and plus you’ll be closer to home. when it snow’s, the drive will be a lot nicer. and you can even make some new friends. in my opinion, i would take it.

i left the restaurant 3 months ago

best decision I ever made

Cut down your hours? Tell them you’re taking X amt of credit hours and you need to concentrate on school more this semester, people can’t argue work being more important than school… and try out the new place? If the new place sucks, you didn’t burn your bridges with the current.

But also, I think only you know what the right decision is for you… opinions matter, but you’re the one who has to deal with the consequences, whether they’re better or worse.

You won’t know what you’re missing unless you take the chance Steve-0!

how about applying to the new one and work both places at the same time. Compare them while you’re doing both. Then quit the suckier one.

I hate change, so I would probably stay at Applebee’s. Especially if you will miss the people that you work with now. When I worked in the food business that was always the hardest part. It’s like you start over and lose all the old friends.

give the new place a shot, you can probably always go back to applebees especially with your sister still working there to help convince the managers if you need to.