need some opinions about bussiness 'morals'

ok, so i applied for a job at UB (where i got to school currently) a while ago, not really thinking anything would come of it, but interestingly enough, i got an email basically saying that i fit all of thier qualifications and they would like to sit down with me and discuss the posistion.

so here is my delema: since applying for this job, i have thought about transfering schools, and im not sure if i would do that after this fall semester or wait untill next fall. now, if i take this job, i see it as a ‘bad bussiness’ practice to take it knowing that i will be leaving in either 6 months or a year. its not fair to the other people applying, and its not fair to them, and it doesnt make me look very professional.

but heres where this job becomes appealing to me (regardless if i keep it for 6 months or a year): after doing some quick math, in 6 months i could have accumulated (after taxes) around $4000-$5000 based on the hours and pay they are offering. i would continue to keep my job at UPS. so if i lived off my UPS money, and banked all the money from the UB job, i could have a nice little something to fall back on should i decide to transfer and not have that job anymore. and while this shouldnt be relevant, i could but my Diesel truck and feel comfortable with it knowing that if i get a shitty check here and there from UPS, or if something breaks on it, i have money in the bank to pick up the slack.

so my question is, do i go for professionalism here, or do i look at it as an opportunity to to build up some funds for myself and make myself more financially secure?


go with the money. nobody will think it’s unprofessional if you quit to follow money. Just make sure you leave on good terms so that if you need to, you can go back.


Honestly, I would go for it. i have a very strong concience about not takeing advantage of people, but I would do it. Look how many people work for like brothers of mercy to get their CNA then leave for better jobs. It is the way of the world, so it is really nothing personal. its not like you are stiffing someone really. And after you leave, the job will be open to other people as well. you were the more qualified candidate, you should have the job.

Take it. It sounds like leaving in 6-12 months isn’t set in stone anyhow so if you wound up staying you would really wish you had taken it. Oh, and don’t buy a big domestic truck when you don’t need it and aren’t financially secure. Get an Accord or something for now and then when you’re out of school and working full time get a truck that you “want.”

I would go for it. It sounds like its only part time anyway, so I wouldnt feel bad about leaving after only 6mo-1 year. Full time, salary, ‘career’ jobs are the ones where its really looked down upon if you quit after a short time.

Its really never frowned upon to improve yourself and go for more money.

Take the job and pay for your tuition with it. Forget the Cummins.


think of all the money you could save up

Who cares ppl leave places all the time… take the job.

There is absolutely zero reason to not take it because you plan to move on to something else. As long as you don’t just stop showing up, there is absolutely zero wrong with it unless you sign a contract and make a firm commmitment up front.

Yeah especially considering that it is a college job…I am sure they are fully aware that people transfer/drop all the time. I would doubt they would even think it a big deal. Just give them a full months notice that you ‘just found out’ you’ll be moving.

Unless its a state position, take it and don’t worry about what happens in 6 months. If it is a state position, take it and don’t worry about what happens in 6 months.

binnis is binnis.

no emotion, make the decision that makes sense for the business ( in this case you )