My work(Delphi) is offering a $40,000 buyout for all employees of seniority. I qualify for this. NYS takes %44 and the union will take another %5. This leaves me with 20k cash in hand.
Currently I make 40k a year and I work 9 hours a day. 5 days a week.
I am 25 years old. I live with my GF in a nice apartment. I drive a new truck. I have a bike. I have a 4 wheeler, a dog, a cat, yadda yadda. I am satisfied with my possessions currently, but no way in hell can I afford to knock the gf up or buy a house for that matter.
I have upwards of 20k wrapped up into CD’s that I dont even want to think about. Pretend this money isn’t even there.
My only debt is about 14k on my truck at %0 percent interest so there is no rush to pay that off.
I am in school part time and I don’t have a degree. My main focus in life is to get this degree and get the hell out of NYS.
a) I take the buyout and it allows me to attend school full-time for a year (I won’t get unemployment since I will be leaving voluntarily). The money will be burned away but I will have earned my degree. Afterwards, hopefully, I will land a job or else I’m screwed, but I will enjoy life without having to work for one year. It’s like I’m 18 again and my parents are sending me off to school and my living expenses are on them.
b) Stay the course. Earn my degree slowly but still maintain a quality of life that I’m used to. When/if GM tanks I will still get the 40k as a severance.
If you were in my situation would you:
A) Take the risk and hope for the best
B) Stay the course
C) insert scenario here
I have 4 more weeks to make my decision and I am looking for input wherever I can find it.
At this rate. 2 classes per semester and 2 during the summer I will have an associates in about 1 1/2 years. I want to get my 4 year, but I can at least land a decent got with a 2 year, then chip away at grad school.
Stay the course. Maintains your QOL and you can still earn your degree.
Big deal you get a small payout now…things change, and unexpected things happen. Like you get sick, knock up the gf or…whatever. 20k is not enough to exist on. And unfortunately, you cannot assume in this economy that you will land a job doing what you enjoy for the pay you deserve as soon as you have the paper in hand.
If you’d get the 40k regardless, then continue to work your grind, do the PT school thing and sock away what you can. 650k new people out of work each month. Remember that.
Sounds like a good idea, but i dont really see your making 40k a year anywhere else, (pre-tax?) and the lost wages would compensate that 20k very quickly.
That’s really shitty NYS Takes 44%, if it were a larger amount of money i would say take it,
Sounds like a good idea, but i dont really see your making 40k a year anywhere else, (pre-tax?) and the lost wages would compensate that 20k very quickly.
That’s really shitty NYS Takes 44%, if it were a larger amount of money i would say take it for sure, but it’s your call
stay there.I am/was in the same situation at GM.Last year I could’ve walked with 70k(about 41k after taxes) As I only had 9.5 yrs.Now that I have 10,they offer $45k .Pricks!
Stay there as I think they still pay for your school and you’re making 40k a yr still.
Now if gm offers me $140k like they were offering 10yr employees last year,I’m GONE.
I say stay. The way the economy has been the chances of you finding a good job within your degree is unlikely. I’ve been considering staying in school for my Master’s or possible Doctorate because if I would graduate now there is no jobs for me and in 2 years my degree isn’t worth shit because all the people graduating then are taking up the jobs. That 20k is going to be gone in the matter of months paying your bills etc. Just stick it out