
anyone know of a 9-5 or 7-3 or w/e job hiring? i dont care what it is right now just cant be till after 6pm since all my classes are at night this semster… i know ill prolly get bashed but w.e its worth a shot

f/t or p/t

burger king food joints for now man

wally world’s always hiring.

well i just opened the gazette and found about 3 jobs im goin to apply for today

there ya go pal! why didnt ya just open a paper in the first place? instead of posting a useless thread on shift? :rofl

ive been opening a paper every day there home boy… and capital area help wanted,monster and even craigslist everyday and getting out and going places. its almost a god damn full time job trying to find one

i actually just had a job opening the other night and was working for some people to work.


It would only be temp., but i will keep you in mind if we need anymore people on the job if you want.

thats cool idc if its temp lol

Haha SICK sig dood.

GL with the job hunt kid

I think it was Emuscles who had that sig ~6 months ago…

ive never seen it on here

Might as well try to get to get hired at Walmart. There going to own the world soon enough, might as well start up the food chain now…

Shitty time to be looking. Alot of businesses are slow right now and theyre cutting hours and/or people.

thanks bro

Well Im just saying its gonna be tough finding something, thats all. Ive just seen whats been happening with my work and alot of the places I deliver to.

yea i know its shitty,but i gotta try since i have nothing right now

Well the only thing I know of for sure is that Glen Sanders Mansion is hiring for a new catering/kitchen deal they have with the company building that tech park in Malta.
They got a contract to run the kitchen and do lunches starting soon.

I worked there in 07. Never again.