i need a job

found a job

Not trying to be mean or anything, but please check your spelling and use proper grammar. I am not currently hiring; however if I was I would pass this thread up without a second thought.

Also posting up what you have done in the past if anything would be helpful.

wtf? it would help if you listed your past jobs/employers, qualifications you have, what exactly your looking to do, etc etc. after reading this thread all i have to say and or offer you is that i believe McDonald’s is always looking for new employees. good luck! LOL

i did not ask people if they were hiring at their job, all i said was if anyone knows a place around them were hiring. im not saying i want a job in a certian field, i really dont care who i work for. and im 17 my previous employers really dont matter. but if anyone wants to know ive worked at lancaster speedway, and done plenty of roofing and electrical jobs. i am currently going to school for auto collision and custom painting and graphics, and going to college for high performance engines and advanced custom painting and graphics. lol and i know i cant spell, i suck at it.

to get everyone to understand what im saying, im not looking for a perfect job im looking for something i can put some money in my pocket and some gas in my car.
ex: if you have passed by a place that said “help wanted” tell me

ex: McDonald’s, Burger King, Wendy’s, Zorba’s, Mighty Taco, Taco Bell, Arby’s, KFC, Tim Horton’s, Dunkin Donuts, and gas stations are always looking for overnight attendants. GOOD LUCK!:wiggle:

im not working fast food again, it made me want to kill a infint

I foresee fast food it in your future.


I would never hire you after your posts/comments. Consider revising your post and actually acting like you want a job. Believe it or not, there are many people on tis board who own business’s and hire employees.

While I was attending Buff. State I worked for Allpro as a valet. Had fun, made cash everynight from tips, they were VERY flexible with my schedual. Sucks in the winter time, but I’d look into that.

Good luck on the job hunt!

my one tenant just got a job at laser tron last week for $10+ an hr. Try there

Could have gotten you a job as a detailer, but position was just filled.


lol damn well if the position opens up tell me