Joined the Big Kid's Club v. House


What do you recommend? I have some painting to do as well.

I go eggshell except in kitchen in bath, where I go semigloss because its easier to clean.

Matte (washable flat) or eggshell. Satin in the baffrooms. Unless you want to ball out and get Benjamin Moore’s Aura Bath and Spa. It’s a matte finish made for high moisture bathrooms and is the only paint available that won’t get those nasty brownish colored streaks on the walls.

I’m a recent Benjamin Moore convert. That paint is awesome. Well worth the price.

Exactly! great deal man! Believe me “modding” a house is way more fun than modding a car! and if you do it right you can turn a 65k grandma house into a nice 85k+ house in just a half a year and some hard work

getting rid of those bushes, the aluminum shits, and MAYBE changing the front door/storm door or atleast painting it would make it look 437483893times better, and less grandma-y

Volunteering to pull those bushes out?!! In my parents old house we had the tractor trailer driver bring his big rig down and rip them out with that…Worked well!

If you don’t have an easy way to pull them out it’s actually not hard to saw them off at the base then dig them out. The root balls are pretty small. I dug out 5 last fall in under an hour.

Nice looking house! With a little bit of love, that will be a nice place to call your own. Your absolutely right, that wallpaper is awful. lol

It will be some work but with beer and some simple supplies we can have that place minty fresh in no time at all

Floors are going to probably be first…I’ll get the beer.

You best get ieatpaint on retainer lol

pics on said prep table

its gone, owners took it.

Hit me up, i’m not so great at remodeling, but im great at drinking beer, as long as i’m free i’ll lend a hand.

englewood always up to no good… Congrats on the house

Sometimes you get lucky and can dig them out by hand(well a shovel lol), or cut them as someone else mentioned and they will pull out. other times they’re a bitch and you have to get a truck lol.

Congrats John!

I’m right around the corner from you! I have a big truck that will get those bushes out! It runs on beer! Or I mean I do!

lol make sure no dust or debris gets in his beers this time haha.