Joined the house crew...

No more apartment time to get a car again :tup:

Congrats :tup:

looks like a nice layout. Congrats
Where is it?

Awesome man. Congrats! :tup:



I don’t know what the last home owner was thinking with some of the paint choices but thats a simple fix.

1700sq ft

tankless hot water heater and new roof

I just need to get central air installed and its pretty much good to go

I was trying to find a house with a bigger garage but I wanted to stay under budget so I can still buy toys so this will do for now.

Perfect size, not too big, not too small.

Looks real nice man…

Nice purchase. Looks good :tup:

the inside looks good. welcome to the crew


Welcome aboard. :tup:


There goes all your moneys now. :slight_smile:


money for toys

good luck with that, hah…just kidding. It looks nice!

Looks good! Hows the interior? Any problems or more of just customizing (painting and shit)?

Until you buy a car, how will you run the N20? Spray the central air condenser?

not a bad looking house at all :tup:

Nope which is why I picked this house just needs some paint and its good to go for a while

Congrats man, you can always expand the garage deep out the back…

congrats…i will be joining the crew soon as well

Can’t do it the kitchen is behind it :frowning:

:lol: I just spent a ass ton of money at Home Depot thank you Home Depot card

I am really surprised how smoothly the entire process went

Home depot is now your wallet’s number 1 enemy.

I spend way too much money there.