Joined the Pedal Krew

F this 4.20 a gallon gas…

Just picked this up

[LEFT]Shifters: Shimano Ultegra 9 spd[/LEFT]

[LEFT]Brakes: Tektro[/LEFT]

[LEFT]Front Derailleur: Shimano Ultegra 9 spd 31.8

Rear Derailleur: Shimano Ultegra 9 spd

Crankset: Shimano Ultegra 9 spd 172.5mm 53/39

Wheels: Mavic Helium

Tires: Michelin Axial Pro

Seatpost: CyclePro 27.2

Seat: Serfas Aria Titanium

Handlebars: Easton EA70 42cm C-C

i am probably taking the graphics off… they are a lil loud for my taste… hope they are just stickers and not under the clear

Looks pretty nice.

i dont even wanna ask how much that thing cost. Looks nice , planning to bike to work vs using gas?

Carbon fibre…delish. I do want to ask how much it set you back:

How much was it?

got a sweet deal, was only 500…

frame and fork are new, the rest of the components are used, but ultergra stuff will last for 100k miles no problem,

all the parts on there if bought new would be ~ 1400

I’d say that’s a steal, I figured you were going to say something more towards the 2G line. A buddy of mine has about 1400 into his Kink BMX and some of the guys he rides with spend 25 and up.

ooooh nice.

where’d you buy it?

Nice roadie.

Never ridden a roadie but seems like a great choice if you can commute to work by bike.

I love riding, and saving gas, and getting exercise seems wonderful.

Nice pick up.

nice bike

cycling is low impact, not bad on the knees.

pretty fancy, not bad on the price too.

Fin roadies.

nice pickup. pedal commutes > $4 gal shit anyday. ive been commuting all spring. when its not been raining.

this is my DD. i did drop 20 bux on it. for some new slick tires. the knobbies were dry rotted to shit. on this freebee bike. its close to 15 years old i believe. and everything is like new. shimano Alvino everything.

yea, doctor recommended it for rehab… figure i can save a bunch of $$ in gas, and destress

:tup: nice bike man.

I’m usually batshit crazy after I bike. Well, in a good way.

So crazy that my fellow classmates have to settle me down lest I make comments that professors frown upon.

Nice bike. I’m so determined to get one. This gas shit is fucking ridiculous.

if you ever want to go on a ride holler at me, I still have my geared bike, and a roof rack for the 5

Have you been going on the Sunday night rides? I work early mondays now so I cant make it anymore but that was always a ton of fun…

get a fixed gear bike, fggt.



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