Joining the home owner's club

been looking for the past 6-7 months to get an idea of what was out there for the money and what i would want etc. checked out a few. thought about submitting an offer but someone else beat me to the punch a couple times.

but anyway… checked out this house last Wednesday in Cheektowaga

submitted an offer on Friday and got counter offered for more, but also worked all the appliances including the washer and dryer in the deal. as well as 2 of the tv’s.

house is 1500 sq ft. everything is redone or newer. windows, floors, doors, kitchen etc. 3 bedrooms, decent closet space in the master which has its own access to the bathroom which is sweet.

but the home inspection is tomorrow morning so provided all goes will i should be signing my life away shortly after that.

more pics

nice… good luck with the inspection.



Love the high ceilings

Congrats man, beers soon!

Sweet man, Congrats

Congrats. Certainly some bright colors in there.

Looks really nice, good luck. Welcome to the club.

Best Worst thing you will ever do in your entire life. Welcome to the club and congrats again buddy!

Nice setup!!!

Kitchen reminds me of the Caribbean regions

Looks great. Pending a good inspection, CONGRATS!

No garage pics :tdown:

Looks great man!

I didn’t take any in there lol. Garage is smaller than I’d like but has enough room for the Mustang and another car.

Nice mike. Where in cheek?

Nice digs!


off of Como park a few streets. Like halfway between union and transit

Nice :tup: