NYSPEED Homeowner Krew *update, bought a house*

Any recomendations for home inspections? cost?

you need one for land?

a good home inspection should be about $150-200. i’ll have to look through my paperwork from my closing but the guy i went with was extremely anal and paid a huge amount of attention to small details. if your home inspector doesn’t find anything wrong with your house he probably did a terrbile job.

When we got our home inspection done I got a 25 page binder back from him about everything he went through and his findings. I think ours was $200 here in Vegas but he did a great job and we actually got a couple thousand off the house from his findings. He tested the moisture levels in parts of the house, checked all the plumbing, tested the HVAC, checked every electrical socket in the house, etc.

no… building fell through cuz my buidler was a tool… so now im buying

Specsure did mine.
Lawrence M. Watkins
716 Lafayette Ave
Buffalo, NY 14222

Got a full binder and a CD with all the pics he took. Got it on the spot the day he did the inspection. I don’t remember the cost but it was reasonable. This was 3 years ago.

Find someone that will be truthful, not just a home inspector imho if you need someone to tell you a house is good.


its not that… the house was owned by an engineer who is insanely anal… so the upkeep has been done, … but i always want somebody who knows what to look for to be like oh hey, this surface crack in the wall… thats the foundation going to shit…

Grade to Gable

$310, got an 1.5" thick binder w/ pics, explanations, etc.

I can’t remember who i used, but be sure you use someone that was
refereed by a person you trust.

My inspector was referred to my by an in-law.
she had sent him through 5 or 6 houses and he was very helpful
in relating what was wrong with them.

Then, on her current house, he was unavailable.
The agent referred her to someone else…
He was a total cluster fuck.

The house she ended up buying on his recommendations has
a ton of shit wrong with it…
Not to mention the breaker box has a mile of extra wire CRAMMED into it.
its a disaster of a house.

My guy showed me everything and helped me relate to
the fix it costs.

But, I bought a fixer upper a the start :wink:

NYS Licensed Home Inspector
Dan Schaedler #16000006666
@ Professional Opinion Home Inspection

716 655 3792

This guy did our, was about $125 or something, he did a great job and also sent us a full report on his findings.

HouseMaster Home Inspections
Phone: 716-825-4614
Franchisee: Michael Pastore
Email: mpastore@housemaster.com
Fax: 716-627-6593

That’s who did ours. They sent over a two man team, one started on the roof the other started in the basement. I thought they were very thorough. Can’t remember the cost but they’re all around the same. If +/- $100 is that a big a deal when getting an inspection on a $150k house you should probably stick to renting.


Its a shame there is only 1 builder in this area


If you have some more time wait till it’s a little warmer, like when the ground thaws out. Most of the moisture “problems” don’t show out when the ground is frozen, and the inspector won’t be able to evalute it properly.


BTW, slightly OT - consider the home warranty if available. Make sure its a reasonable premium (our was ~$300), but it can easily payoff depending on what the inspector finds.

When we inspected our house we found that the furnace was ~24 yrs old, the water heater was ~18 yrs old, and the roof was a 2nd layer that looked like it might have a few problem areas.
We ended up claiming the water heater last month. Paid a $50 deductible, and they installed a $450 unit. We made $100 basically (before the $150 nat fuel rebate), but imagine if it were the furnace or the like.

IF you mechanics are in questionable / should be replaced condition… I’d buy it.

BTW - its a 3rd party warranty, and has nothing to do with wether or not you get an inspector, its just soething sold through the realtor.

Mine was Steve Nola from Amerispec. Google him.

After he did ours and we were pleased, we recommended him to several more people in the area. He was professional and accurate each time. I first found him when my lawyer recommended him and said that he’s known as the “deal breaker” because he finds everything.

word, even though our sales contract specified “non negotiable regardless of home inspection”, we knocked a few grand off and had it accepted w/in 24 hrs.

Some good info in heah :tup:

I just spend $385 after tax last week (including Radon) - the guy did a very good job. sounds like buffalo is a lot cheaper then Rochester for inspections.

my seller has already agreed to fix everything and clean inspect the furnace etc…