Jon's 92 AWD DSM $2007 Challenge

I got a sweet all black paint job

then I sold it.

I haven’t done much with this car, it sits more than anything. The challenge is in October. I’m debating on whether I start busting my ass on it, take it down to Florida for the challenge and have some fun, just make it into a track beater, forgetting the $2007 challenge, or perhaps I should just sell it and get a 3 series.

The Challenge would be fun if I had a group of people who wanted to go. Does anyone want to crew/co-drive/help me break and fix my car?

just turn it into a track beater and have fun with it

So I tried the old roller paint job on the hood.

This is after 2 coats and the 2nd one wasn’t dry yet. I haven’t wet-sanded or buffed it yet.

The mopar guy who did the orange charger this way said to wetsand every 2 coats.

not too too bad

Doesn’t look too bad though, how thin is it? Maybe thin the next coat out a little more??

The 2nd coat was pretty thin, it was running a little on the front of the hood as the slope got steeper. I’ll have to experiment and see what works best. The stuff is amazing, it’s just normal rustoleum in a can, thinned with mineral spirits, as per the mopar guy’s instructions. There are a ton of bubbles in it when you first roll it, then they all go away, and it self levels.

I’m interested to see how the sides of the car work. I haven’t done much there, just experimented with a few spots that I touched up.

I’m no expert with the wetsanding, I guess I’ll figure that out too.

There’s nothing too hard about it. If it’s really rough, use 220 grit. If it’s just kind of rough, go 400. You’re going to be doing a shit load of sanding no matter which you need.