Jover ( i need a tow...again

does anyone have Jover’s number? i lost his business card… and i need a tow.
thank you :smiley:

i need his # too .

just call CAA. $120 gets you 5 tows for up to 200klm each.

I’m about to purchase my 2nd batch of 5 tows for the year… got my first one in january and used it all up :-/

haha i only need his service to tow away a rusted corrolla :stuck_out_tongue:

requires a plate with a valid sticker…

any plate will do…

or join candain tire
100 bucks
5 twos up too 250km including extras suck as flat beds
and unlimted tows to any candain tire up to 250 km

mikey. i only ask for a tow to the junker, not around the globe :stuck_out_tongue:

ohh shutt upp
ill find his number hes a good guy lol not in a sexual wayy