jr wins

jr won the first 125… take that theresa!!!

Hell Yea I second that…She’ll Learn Not to mess with an Earnhardt…DEI is gonna fall with her leading it…

She’s a nobody with out Sr… all she is was the lady that was married to him… JR and kerry and the daughter are his BLOOD! DEI should have been theirs, i blame SR for not puttin that on paper.

I hate Nascar but I’ll be rooting on Kenny Wallace. See my signature.

Jr. is nothing but a name. Take away the fact the he has two of the best in the feild pushing his no driving ablity ass around, and hes another kenny wallace. Just there cause he has the right last name.

DEI would be nothing but another money lossing race shop without Theresa, she built the DEI empire, based upon Sr.'s name. She is and was the heart and soul of DEI. Not taking anything away from Sr.'s ablity, but he was far from being a Trump in the business world. He did what he knew, drove fast, hard, and turned left ALOT.

But that 1 right turn was a bitch

Hooooolllllyyy shit maaaannn!!! I telll youuu what you sumamabitch…Juneyer is the best damn race car drivr since his daddy…but he will never be haf the drivr hiz daddy waz!!! If his daddy was still alive he would tell DEI to go strate to helll!!!

Bandwagon fags…

Bandwagon…maaaannnn…I reckon i was born a nascar fan maaaannnn. its in my blood you summamabitch. I tellll youuuu what you little punk city slicker…nobody, especially no city slicker will ever question my loving of nascar…in Jr. we trust…maaaann!!! So if you know whatsss best for you, you’ll just keep your city slicker mouth shut…whoooeeeeee maaan these little city boys dont know when to stop

You wired up today man? lmao

lol x2

haha… I am in a crazy mood today. mmaaaaaannnnn

snozberries taste like snozberries?


shes just a money hungry cunt