jt76 vs. ??? [FBody Drama]

Hi Joe!

My 8 point arrived today :burnin:

lmfao sobo lol I like ur avatar

Go callout jt76 at the track and see what happens!

As i said before, i just dont care anymore. I have been doing this shit for a couple years now, had some fun and some close calls. Im at the point in my life where i just dont give a shit. Someday you may have more to your name then a rusty DSM and realize its not worth it to be the street hero. Last year and the year before i ran anyone who wanted to run me. Contrary to four eyed’s belief they were all close matches… choko, Studderin, fstz06, psychopjv, cobraman, Muscle50, Mr Smith, biff with the teg just to name a few . There were also some blowouts like scott with the DSM (he kept wanting to run me :gotme:) 38stang, EvoVIIMr, kids with Srt’s hondas etc. As far as joelster is concerned, i would have run him on the street but he declined, as it is his choice to do so. I won many, i lost a few, i had fun. Your a day late and a dollar short my friend, sorry. I will tag along with my friends and cruise, maybe an occasional fun romp, but the street warrior days are over.

Then get off the call outs thread I mean since your turboing your ls1 neither for street or track use

dsm is rust free :slight_smile:

its coming out spring '10 just as it went to bed in fall of '09… once again, sorry to burst your bubble

shouldnt you take the nitrous off since you dont race any more ?


you told me you would rape me on your nitrous setup

I am already one step ahead of ya, its sitting in a box waiting to go to its new home!

…and sell his 9-inch to someone who will actually use it, and stop running his mouth on internet boards. 3022 posts since late 2007, nice!

Then i cant do burnouts :gotme:

thats unsafe you wouldnt want to do that…

joelster, what do you run at the track?

joelster, no offense, but you’re stuck on one subject that has already been answered 20x over. jt76 called you out on the street and you declined too, but you don’t see him harping on you over and over again. do you realize not everyone has the same ambitions you do with THEIR toys? you’re obviously just trying to get a rise, but its just old. did you even go to the track last year? if you want someone to race, i will! ill even give ya a head start since you have an LT1 handicap

Seriously boostin4me… Who allows you to use a keyboard? Will you ever just stfu?You are about as lovable as a gorilla with aids.

I know right I have 500 posts and you have 5233 obviously I dont post to much Did you see jt posted and have to get the Vaseline ready ?


Paul you should update your build thread. I want to see your progress haha