jt76 vs. ??? [FBody Drama]

lol yeah i forgot about all my “sack riders” :lol:

Pony boy and outsiders wish I had a click like that :suckoff:

I wouldn’t have said anything but he decided to run his mouth about beating everyone. I went to the track once last year. Actually 3 times but only raced once. Our race would be quite pointless don’t you think? Me and jt76 would be a good race if he could drive. Maybe let Pat drive it?

Not really sure what it would run right now. It ran 11.7’s in 2007, and hasn’t changed much.

As stated, i was joking amongst my friends, some of which beat me this past year. If you would have run me on the street perhaps you would have been added to the kill list as well :mamoru:, guess we will never know.

i have one, not on this forum…

Yea I have also been an active member of this forum since 05.I have a ton of friends off this board.It must be my dick sucking skills… I am sorry Jt is a good friend of mine and I am not going to listen to some creeper who has never even ran his new setup,sit and run his mouth.Its not what the car could do.It is what the car does. You could trap 140…Or just like we all hope, it could split in half and throw you into a death roll.I know you get really jealous of how much people give Jt attention.If you want attention like that.Just end yourself, everybody will love you I swear.

wow is all i got…

I don’t like to race on the street. I’ll do short little pulls here and there (like 0-70)when the coast is 100% clear, but that’s about it, and I get nervous as hell when I do it. But they are few and far between. Not gonna lie. I drive for a living so it matters to me a little more than most people.

I hear ya, i have had some close calls with my right foot overriding my brain.

is it on evom? i dont know your user name on there, can u post the link or pm ?

I was next to Joelster at a light last fall.I lost hearing in my right ear.

everyone is so quick to say the driver sucks. i’m sure people said my driving sucked the few times i went to the track with my latest setup and a stick. hey guess what:

  • i guarantee NOONE would be able to go out in my car and rip out eye-opening ET’s with my setup and a stick after only a few outtings
  • i guarantee the so-called “amazing” stick driver’s on this forum are no better than myself. they just have more seat time with their setups + cars setup to accommodate their tranny and setup at the track.

i had a setup that was easy to drive with a stick at the track once upon a time, and rowing through the gears is no art. you’re comparing jim’s and pat’s times? geez lets do some first grade math here… (and let it be known that both are very good friends of mine):

  • ~500lbs difference
  • BIG difference in track seat time
  • tires
  • slightly better gearing

okay that was simple. maybe our race would be pointless, the point i was making was whether our race would be pointless or not, i could keep harping on it, or i could grow up and let it go. all he was saying about being undefeated or whatever was clearly meant regarding the street. and 99% of the time he was winning; in either case, he was openly joking. obviously it bothers you

what was your best with the t56? I forgot?

Some of you guys really need to grow up. Some people(myself included) get to a point where the cars they build are just a fun little toy they like to enjoy driving around in sometimes. To me the scene, COOL people, and a days worth of fun are the attraction not racing some loser who wont shut his mouth. jus sayin

+1 nicely said Drew, this is how i hope to live my summer :tup:


Just make sure you have a full interior or your car will lose all comfort and suck.

Seat time? I’ll buy that excuse for the launch, and that’s about it. Once the car is planted, hooking and driving forward,it’s all about how quickly you can shift. Wanna see how good of a driver jt76 is? Watch this video and pay attention to his grandma shifting abilities:

Now here’s Pat:

I’m sure Pat could shave a few tenths off of jt76’s best times.

word pat!