jt76 vs. ??? [FBody Drama]


Well he doesn’t drag race so we will never know…

and LOL and Badazz Jr

where were all you guys last year when jt was running like every night?

I couldnt see over his lambo door

Entertaining thread…If anyone needs a hand in going faster give me a call.

this is great, really. just super entertaining

lets keep this thread going, i need something to kill some time tomorrow

WTF are you talking about

For the record. JT is a fast guy, and a good driver. It takes a lot of embarrassing runs at the track or a fag-o-matic transmission(Not talking shit to anyone making power) to get it right even if a car is dialed in for it. So I can understand why JT wouldn’t want to run at the track.

Jim, you may as well just get used to running at the track when you can so you can just shut people up. Either that or just don’t even respond back to this thread bc all your doing is fueling the fire.

this thread is pointless

I am going to smoke half these homos at the track with my car that is setup for road racing.

You get everything twisted around. I said that your run against cobraman on his bad tune when he was trapping 120 ON NITROUS was a bad gauge against other cars. You beat him on his shit tune and you got a big head, i told you that my car 2009 would mop the floor with your 2009 setup. Next thing i know your going to trap 140mph with a $5k build. Obviously if you are going to trap in the 130’s-140’s as you claim you are going to beat my 120 trap car :gotme: congrats :tup:

You just like to stir the pot with bullshit like this, i was out almost every night all last year… where were all these hot shot heroes then? You came once, i didnt have my bottle, you left… sorry! A run of me N/A VS you would have been a waste of time for both of us.

J&J gave me the Badazz Jr nickname the first day we met, however i have not had the pleasure of meeting the real deal :lol:

Shouldnt you be on some dating website looking for your next wife/girlfriend?

I have no ambition to go to the track to put up big numbers, i have said this time and time again however most people here are not literate or just bored with winter and want to stir the pot. On the rare occasions i go, its just for fun. Last season and the season before i ran whoever wanted to run me, i could give a list of people from on here with videos in many cases if anyone wants to contest it. Im not doing it anymore and i am not bastardizing or radically changing my car to put up big track numbers to impress some humps on Nyspeed.

love this shit!!!

I NEED to see bill and choda run!!! (track of coarse)

and really wanna see jim hand this 140trap dsm his ass… Smith i don’t know he’s too damn :snky:

Please re-read that and think about what a stupid statement it is.

sell it and get a lexus you fuckin homo

Believe what you want man I thought I was doing you a favor putting out there what other people were circling around. I didn’t post because of the time you didn’t have a bottle. The rumor got around to me before we even ran last year.

Everyone knew where to find me :gotme: you found me :gotme: rumors :nono:


he didnt run smith because he didnt have a bottle


when im done being ’ fast ’ i will own a nice lexus that my family can fit in not a 20 year old hot rod.

WILLIAM dont be gay, we always raced. and we always will, its a thing we do :smile: :gay:

whats your point?

what are you going to do brother when boostin4me rolls in the duffs parking lot waving his bov in your direction.

how do you wave a bov?

I will probably say hi, ask him how it made it out to OP without breaking, then laugh at something funny nitroinsane will no doubt say. Then eat a pulled pork sammich with bladez and turbo, maybe watch the idiots leaving like assholes and getting pulled over by the OP potron. After that is over prob get into my old warhorse LS1 and drive to my house, sit on my back porch and watch the sun go down over the lake while sipping on some 3 olives grape and cranberry.


I will do all of those things the same way, but then get into my lexus and drive home. Still havent decided.

i cant get over that some “dudes” actually drink vodka cran by choice. my god.