June 11 Video Drift Practice II Finally Up

Here she is boys, pics can be found on driftstar.com


Sorry it took SO long but fuck, I had to go to barrie getg my computer bring it back, I made the whole video then right as I was finishing (before I saved) teh comp crapped out and turned off. Sweet. Anywyas I re-did it evne better. I have a map showing where each clip is on the track which I thought was pretty cool, check it out guys

fuck insurance, fuck plates

hahahahahahaha not a gooood idea

Sweert video Sasha, really good footage too mang!

waiting for the next one 8)

wasnt long enough…my 2 pennies

keep them comming sasha, or i KILL YOU

Sasha, nice work! you never cease to amaze me with your ever changing layouts and style for your videos.

Very nice!


goddamn i got like 3 seconds in that video!..ok fine, 6 seconds.

shows how much i suck :frowning:

still. very cool vid. good work Sasha!

dont feel bad it didnt seem like anyone got that much time, except for the red corolla, and most of that was in car, Nice vid, well put togethjer

Lol…genius guys!

Great video Sasha,

I was driving Theo’s car on that showed run! haha, sorry theo, i will take the credit simply because I have no car now :slight_smile:

No wonder the tires were gone after that turn…

Thanks for letting me drive your car again!


Yo, I totally didn’t know what I was saying, I was pretty heat-stroked. lol

Hey, anyone that brings a camera next time and donates footage will be getting free Sour Keys and Bazooka Joe bubble gum, according to Sasha.