I heard that Sasha was featured pretty heavily in the June issue of Modified.
It took me 7 stores before i found an issue on the shelf…first 7-11, 4 gas stations, 1 Shoppers… then on my way home i stopped into another Shoppers and finally found one… Either Magazines are dead (likely) or putting SG content in makes them fly off the shelves (less likely… much less)
Either eay, $7.90 later and i got to read a few pages of stuff Sasha had already posted on-line last year but edited to be more generic (Sasha’s personality removed) and then a good feature on his VQ Headers.
Even U2N got some credits and Dan’s ugly mug was in a few of the pictures too.
Good stuff guys.
Now i guess it’s a race to see which mag picsk up Newman’s E30 first…