Junglists: Pendulum Live

Hey guys,

There are mixed feelings of this stuff being played live but I personally think its awesome and hope that they come to town with this show.

At any rate, I thought I’d share these vids of Pendulum Live shows.

Pendulum is amazing… I would love to see them live… Maybe they will come to Labour of Love one year which would be Sick.

Nice Find.

Pendulum has been to Toronto before.

Getting slightly stale now but their style of dnb is definitely fucking awesome.

I think I remember seeing the flyer for that event. I cant say for sure because I wasnt there but I’m possitive they were just spinning DJ sets that night as opposed to performing like a band.

Yeah they haven’t done their live performance here yet I don’t think.
It may happen this year who knows.

geezus this is pretty wicked

mike, why am I hearing about this through the grapevine instead of from my dnb guy (YOU) ?

good find ichi, and good meeting you yesterday! if these guys ever come here to play live i’m down for sure

wow they suck

Good to meet you too bro.

I’ll keep my eyes peeled for whether they decide to do a North American tour. I’m definitely down if they do come and I’ll make sure I let y’all know.