Just a heads up for any Mazdaspeed guys

Yes, the packaging and presentation and the marketing really seems top-notch to me. Ive always been impressed with how their products look.

sounds like a shitty forum. sounds like the admin is abusing their power by going out and attacking this company probably due to their service received.

i stopped reading his “review” after he said this:

"Next up… SURE Rear Motor Mounts. Now, we cannot place blame on just SURE here. Several companies have had the urethane fail from their mounts. Most of the RMM on the market are rebuildable, so the companies just send out a replacement bushing and you are on your way. However… these have also affected the SURE Side Motormounts… You know, the ones that hold your engine in the car?

Why yes, we have begun to see lots of failures on the passenger side mount. SURE will gladly replace these with another mount, that will fail all over again. Do you know what happens if these mounts completely fail? All it takes is one passenger motor mount or transmission mount and you could be potentially killed, or kill innocent drivers or civilians. The engine will fall to either side of the engine bay, snapping the axle, causing you a catastrophic accident as the vehicle loses control. But hey, these are isolated incidents according to SURE. Who do you want to believe here?"

i had a busted motor mount in my integra and no one was killed. i had one that had completely fallen apart in my s2000 and wasn’t even there anymore and no one died and my motor didn’t fall out of the car. LOL. Who says shit like this?

The write up certainly is very dramatic and over the top. This whole thing was taken way too far. Mazdaspeedforums is a pretty good forum for factory turbo’ed Mazdas and the customization of them. They really aren’t too fond of, “what color should I paint my brake calipers?” types of threads. Pretty opinionated but full of great information and insightful people.

This being said, I just bought the SURE rear wiper deletekit and will be buying the SURE AGS shift knob for my gf’s Mazda2 for her birthday. Sometimes negative publicity brings profits lol

i was thinking the same thing and even then a lot of ebay stuff is perfectly fine.

sounds to me like the OP is a cry baby aggrandizing his own sense of moral purpose at the expense of what seems to a legit business that maybe put out a couple products not ready for market or isn’t backing them up but there are no specifics in the post.

the fact that the guy is keeping track of brands they’ve ‘outted’ is sad… that shouldnt be a badge of honour by any means.

Bing hit the nail on the head.

Whether you agree with the article or not, I think the failures are real and I know personally of a few. How it was delivered may not be for everyone, but I feel it’s important for consumers to be informed, both positive and negative.

It’s not just the camber arm, either.

Their intakes cause CELs
Their RMM fail more than the competitors

I just want Mazda guys to be aware.

ALSO, that’s not to say ALL their stuff is junk. Just be informed.

my cobb sf intake caused a CEL without a tune.
I considered their parts they looked nice, i guess mistakes can happen but not backing their products or offering support is real shitty

Ugh their $80 shift knob needs to be in my car now. It wont break, right? lol

ok, let me put some perspective in here.

  1. Haltech and Cullen are friends
  2. SURE/SU have been caught being shady in the past. They tried to sell “high performance” manifolds from Japan to the Protege crowd back in the day only to get busted for buying 626 manifolds from a junk yard in CA and selling them.
  3. Everything was brought to the attention of Cullen back in November with very specific information on MSF. He ignored it and said, “install error”.
  4. Anyone thinking side mounts aren’t a big deal on the MS3 doesn’t know the car very well. A side mount failure is not good.
  5. The camber arms SU made back int he day failed. MSF had a car do the Forum Wars and they broke during that. SU immediately stopped selling them and acted like nothing happened. Then the GAs come out under SURE a few years later and also fail. It takes 4 months for Cullen to realize they are a BAD design and they clearly did not R&D because they are failing big time. Finally, yesterday, SURE released a statement about a recall saying it was “voluntary”. HAHAHA yeah right!!!
  6. Cullen would say one thing on FB and five other things over email, text, or phone. MSF’s owner texted him non stop trying to get him to put a statement out there and Cullen never did.
  7. Cullen then says he doesn’t post on forums. Um dude, you were a major vendor on MSF and had no problem selling products, promoting products, etc. via the forum. But now something goes wrong and you “don’t have time”?! BS!!! This guy was on FB 24/7 replying to posts and then deleting them so the truth wouldn’t be known.
  8. The Halos. Blamed on install error despite no instructions. When people were told 40 ft.-lbs by the UK “testers”, the Halos broke. Cullen has yet to answer why this is. Why did the prototypes handle that torque but not the production ones? Kind of a major question…

Point is, SURE did nothing to help people who were affect by their parts failing. I have almost all SURE products and I am appalled by the way the situation was handled. MSF did the right thing and made it known what was going on. SURE was never going to step up. Like I said, this was brought to light back in November and MSF’s owner reached out to Cullen reguarily, only to be given excuse after excuse after excuse as to why the GAs and Halos were fine.

he keeps tracks of the companies that get the boot because they are CRAP companies. do some research on the companies booted and you’ll see they are not worth defending. MSF will not keep a vendor on simply to get advertising dollars if their products, customer service, or anything else is unprofessional or failing. SURE puts on a show that they R&D all their products yet they have not ONE engineer on their staff. they tested the GAs on ONE race. and we don’t even know the details of the race.

it’s nice knowing there is a forum who will stand up to vendors when their community is being sold parts that are dangerous. especially when that company is trying to cover it up. Haltech’s write up is simply so people know about what is going on. how they deal with it is on them. but what Haltech did is not childish, it’s not him bashing a company, or anything else. the guy is simply looking out for his community.

Doesn’t seem like haltech and cullen are very good friends if he went out of his way to absolutely ruin his company on the only viable community he has.

Who are you “Mazdaspeed3”? First post and that’s what was said. Not trying to sound like a dick, you have made solid points and brought up solid issues, It would just be nice to know who you are lol

Recently saw the FB post of a letter that SURE is sending to all customers affected by the recent Geurilla Arms issues. Ill have to find it and post it here. Seems like they’re helping customers with the issues, albeit, a little late.

Spark notes of what they’re doing:
-giving them a full refund OR 110% store credit top replace guerilla arms
-giving them $100 SURE gift card.

They put out a really professional letter and look to be attempting to really resolve the issue, which is nice, but the damage (no pun intended) was already done.

ok, don’t believe me…

they maintained a good relationship for awhile. but after Cullen’s BS, Haltech decided to stand up for his community instead of SURE. Haltech isn’t just denouncing SURE for no reason. that’s not the type of person he is. and yes, i’ve met him. he’s in the same area as me and our local “NATOR” group has regular meets.

lets make one thing clear. SURE ruined themselves, not Haltech. Haltech simply brought to light the exact issues that SURE kept pretending were not real. including the GAs…which magically were recalled after Haltech posted this…

---------- Post added at 02:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:50 PM ----------

hahaha i was expecting that question! i’m just a MS3 owner who is a SURE customer and MSF member. i saw that the thread was posted to this forum, read it, and just wanted to clear up the situation.

and yes, FINALLY they decided to do that. but for Nov, Dec, Jan, and Feb, SURE, and Cullen, made it very clear their parts were just fine and that any failures were the direct result of user error. naturally this did not sit well with ANYONE because MSF had multiple threads regarding each issue showing it was a failure, not install error. then people were told they would have to pay a re-stocking fee of 20% or they could get store credit. which is ridiculous.

point is, after months and months and months of specific data being brought to the attention of SURE, it took them until now to release that notice. last week Cullen was saying he’ll send replacement bolts for the GAs. problem was, he did no testing to make those wouldn’t fail too! and it still did not address the issue of the design itself. when people asked on FB, he deleted their comments. which just enraged people.

there was certainly over the top internet rage, but at the same time, here we have a company that is “dedicated” to our platform who is ignoring failing parts even though there is data showing what the problem is. and then we find out he does not have any engineers on staff. and so it begs the question, what is being done to test these products before they are released?