Just another upcomming milestone.

i love the amount of traffic the site has, not like overbearing but… if i get a good 20-30min to browse theres new shit all the time. def makes for a good time killer or something to put ya to sleep

idk about the putting you to sleep thing, its the other way around for me

eh well when you can’t sleep it gives ya somethin to do, and sitting in a computer chair is pretty lowkey, low energy… but i’ve seen how you are, high strung as fuck, you prolly yell and break keyboards while casually browsing.

really? i dont know

but look at this remix they did of me :smiley:



that shit is epic, i love the first errror, (o)/ ahahaha


(o)/ <<<<< stallmer

I’d like my stickas in gold plz. ill pay a bit extra for those, i dont mind.