Just finished cleaning the New Daily

And if you don’t want to mess with Hook and Loop, look into the Edge pads. (Did I mention that?)


They have a nice adaptor for snap-on/snap-off pad switching

i use a 7424 and adams stuff

t70tsi used my buffer and wax and loved it

oh snap

best thing to do with the lenses? buy all new ones. I’ve been thru countless used taillights and they all bubble up and peel. I ended up with new headlight capsules tho and they pulled the look of the car together nicely

hahaha and you got dicked with the antenna too :smiley: Only a handful of 97s had that

Lol ya. My dad actually bought it from our work(#1 cochran). it was heading 4 the auction but they said they would sell it 2 us at a good price.my dad just had to fix the issues. the rockers r gone but the “frame” i guess you can call it is still there with out any rust on it. it needed a tie rod end, sway bar, and other small misc. pieces. how much does the lenses cost…i was told around 200-300 a piece…

headlight capsules are about 70 bucks a piece online. Corner lenses I have no idea…but I do have a brand new passenger side corner I won’t use, so don’t buy one.

I don’t know where to get taillights tho. my used parts guy doesn’t have any good ones and I haven’t found a place online to get oem. I need a new set myself

Thats not to bad…once i get all my bills paid off soon hopefully ill send ya a pm bout the headlight and corner marker.thanks for the help