Just found 2 sweet silvia's in Japan

I wasj ust screwin arround on the net and came across these 2 silvia’s in Japan…someone should grab one of them i would except thay are really over priced!

anyways enjoy!!




oh snap I love Advan Oni wheels

Personally I dislike the kits that flare out that much.

those cars are a dime a dozen.

but that yellow one is pimp, none the less.

personall I dislike Vtec … other than my cordless phone at home

personall I dislike Vtec … other than my cordless phone at home[/quote]


sooo many nice cars for sale in japan …its a bad itch I try not to scratch


there has been that green sil on yahoo 1992 all done up very sexy. Has professors and nice kit. People who browse yahoo know what im talking about.

that yellow s13 is gorgeous!

HAHAHA i wonder why you love the advans?? dont you have enough sets of advans :stuck_out_tongue:

yup yup gold professors and mark has been drooling over it for quite some time … just too much money for a stock engine pretty car

as well there is this one

HAHAHA i wonder why you love the advans?? dont you have enough sets of advans :P[/quote]

it is funny because I just bought some 17x8 17x9 Advan Oni wheels for my new silvia last week :stuck_out_tongue: must have Advans on all of my cars :stuck_out_tongue:


personall I dislike Vtec … other than my cordless phone at home[/quote]

burrrrn!! gets the popcorn :axe:

btw that tennis ball colored silvia is amazing

personall I dislike Vtec … other than my cordless phone at home[/quote]

burrrrn!! gets the popcorn :axe:

btw that tennis ball colored silvia is amazing[/quote]

it is just like SilEighty_RPS13 car with a full kit and overfenders and slammed