Just got an email from NYS about Pot

Dear Fellow New Yorker,
Under current New York State law, the private possession of a small amount of marijuana, for example in a clothing pocket or at home, is a violation punishable by a maximum fine of $100 for first time offenders. But individuals holding the same amount of marijuana in public view, for example in their hands, can be arrested and charged with a crime.
Governor Cuomo, joined by legislators, district attorneys, and law enforcement officials yesterday, announced legislation that would make individuals caught with small amounts of marijuana in public view subject to the same penalties as those caught with the same amount in private possession.
By standardizing New York State’s marijuana laws, the Governor’s proposed legislation will prevent the unnecessary arrests of thousands of young New Yorkers, disproportionately minority youth, and enable law enforcement statewide to redirect their resources to the most violent criminals and serious crimes.
Click here to read more about the Governor’s proposed change.
"This is an issue that disproportionately affects young people — they wind up with a permanent stain on their record for something that would otherwise be a violation,” Governor Cuomo said at yesterday’s announcement. “The charge makes it more difficult for them to find a job.”
Together, we are making New York fairer and safer.

Looks like the new Governor is chipping away at the marijuana laws and in a balanced method. I was not really sure about having this guy as governor, but he has done some decent things already. Hopefully this new legislation frees up a good chunk of wasted tax dollars and allows the police to focus on things that are more important. I do wonder how this will really affect the arrest rate. I mean how many people are walking around carrying baggies of drugs exposed, I guess during mid transaction but I have to assume that buying/selling is not affected by this?

Link: http://www.governor.ny.gov/press/060412legislation

:bigtup: A step in the right direction. Next step is medical, then full legalization and taxation.

Now you’ll just get a ticket so the state can get it’s money nice and quick without all the court involvement.:slight_smile:

I would rather the state gets their money nice and quick than waste my tax money on an arrest, booking, and trial. There are plenty of other frivolous things that they can waste it on.

Oh, and they will.

People who use drugs will always use drugs, the so called “war on drugs” will never be won, this is a step in the right direction. Sometime in my lifetime I would like to see a de-criminalization of everything, not because I enjoy drugs, but because I’ve seen the dectruction a junkie will cause in order to get what he needs

Also, the amount of money wasted by court mandated “tox screens” is INSANE. It’s all tax payer $ too.

I could ramble for days, I’ll just end it here

It will be VERY interesting to see how many guys lose their income when you can buy basic drugs anywhere.

i would bet there are lobbyists paid to prevent legalization or easing of drugs that are funded by drug dealers who want to maintain their current distribution.

Correct, but they’re mainly by prescription drug companies and the medical lobby. Why would they want the low-cost competition?

there’s a lot of money in keeping it illegal.
Its one of the major reasons it still is.

Fast food restaurants could add it to their menus. Your gonna get the munchies right? How about supersizing your value meal with a side of McWeed. Over a billion stoned.

^powerful. I’m in.

It’s only a matter of time before the government starts using drones to kill people without due process because they are deemed enemy combatants in the war on drugs.

What? It’s no different that the war on terror. Both are undeclared wars on non-state-based enemies with loosely defined if not totally intangible goals used to justify Orwellian power grabs.

Legalize it all, put organized crime out of business (Mexico and Afghanistan will thank us) and get the government out of our backyard parties.