wowo got ouselfs a real live mr wizzard
and this i will try
shit glad I filled up this morning at $3.05 a gallon… can’t wait till next week to fil up again… damnit
nice thought but doesn’t work…no points given for buying a gianteagle/getgo giftcards, only other company giftcards.
"6. Purchase restrictions: Offer excludes purchases of alcohol, tobacco, fuel, price-controlled milk products (PA only), kerosene, state-and federally-funded pharmacy prescriptions, postage stamps, lottery tickets, WetGo car washes, Giant Eagle and GetGo gift cards, money orders, phone card purchases at GetGo, Western Union, amusement or entertainment tickets, copy or fax machine service, delivery charges, fund-raising activities, donations, returned check service fees and items prohibited by law. fuelperks! discounts are calculated after all of the aforementioned items, all store discounts, and all coupons (including manufacturer coupons) have been subtracted from the order. fuelperks! are not earned on the amount of sales tax and other taxes paid by the consumer. "
but one way is if your going out to eat or going to buy stuff from sears, homedepot, footlocker, etc… buy the giftcard from the Eagle to get the points on that & then go use it.
When you write a 60 page paper on oil prices, OPEC, cartels, etc… during your senior year of college for a world econ class, you tend to knowa little about it.
I’ll disagree with you a little - there is an easy explanation for why gas prices are the way they are, it’s driven by speculators. Yes, now they say reserves are far below what they should be, but two months ago they were saying reserves were well above what they should be and the prices relaxed. They are saying reserves are low now because of the switch over to methanol additives, plus the tension in Iran. Perceived supply is just as, if not more, important on prices than actual. We could debate who actually profits, and there for causes, from this speculation but that’s for another thread.
Yes, it’s hard to determine what the prices will be 4 months from now. We should be producing more gas when the switch to the cleaner gas is finished, but who knows what demand will be or what the state of the world will be in. They will say reserves are low again when they switch back to “regular” gas with out the additives.
We were just very lucky to have it so good for so long…
post paper for other to use in theer class
The oil/fuel business is so crooked it isnt funny…the general public has no idea how everything really works.
It’s easy to just say “speculators”. You’re right that alot of guessing and speculation over what might happen messes with the price of oil. I’m saying that there are alot of very crooked, difficult to understand, and important measures that factor into why people speculate. It’s not just like some guy looks at gas and says “damn, we dont have enough” and price goes up. It’s so much more than that.
As for the reseves, they change on a daily basis. The fact that we had plenty of reserves 2 months ago and the fact we have none now are not related. We, as a country, go thru so much gasoline on a daily basis that the reserves are changed dramatically each day.
We agree basically, but disagree on minor things. When the biggest companies in the world are the ones who determine the supply, it does come down to one guy who can set the price. Yes, there’s a lot of crookedness involved, but it’s being driven by profit. It’s not the average person who says “we don’t have enough gas” and the price goes up, it’s companies manipulating information to control prices.
Yes the reserves change daily, that’s all the more reason why they should not impact prices as much as they do. It’s also cyclical - again, they will complain when we switch back to the nonadditive gas that reserves are low. But when they say we have reserves prices relax and when they say they are tight they go up. Again, percieved supply based on information that is given.
Yupper, and best buy. Friend when to Gaint Eagle in Monroeville. Bought 4 hundred dollars worth of gift cards to best buy. Got the points and went and bought a new TV. So if your gonna shop at Best buy or any other stores mentioned go to the iggle and get a gift card first.
Unless I am misunderstanding what you are saying, you are incorrect. The big companies, Exxon/Mobil, etc… do not determine the supply of gasoline. They refine as much gasoline as they can based on the amount of oil that is being delivered to them. Part of the problem with the prices is that the US has had huge restrictions on refineries being built here. Of every gallon of crude that is refined in the US, only approximately 28% of it can be made into gasoline because of a lack of technology (the last refinery built here was in teh late 1970’s). Other places with more up to date technology (Cleaner, more efficient, etc…) can turn upwards of 45% into gasoline. This is part of the problem.
Make no mistake about it, gas prices (and crude oil prices in general) are a demand driven entity.
But they don’t really have a motive to opperate the refineries as efficeint as possible. When gas prices are up, their profits and stocks are up, no matter what the cause is. Just like Enron causing rolling black outs, these companies can control the reserves and such. So again, they can say “reserves are down!” and then jack up the price when in reality there is no need what so ever. Just like they are doing now when they complain about the switch to Ethanol. They blame the inability of ethanol to be pipelined in, etc as to why production is down.
The large “gas” companies also have a hand in the production of some oil so they make money on both ends.
You’re misunderstanding what they mean by reserves. The reserves they are talking about when there are reports issued to Wall Street are not each individual oil companies gasoline amounts that are in stock “added up” to a number and then given to the stock analysts to decipher.
There is no way for the reserves number to be forged or changed by the oil companies to allow for the prices to go up.
did anyone get that e-mail saying if evryone quits buying gas from exon and mobil (the 2 lagest fuel companies) for the summer then by next year prices will/should be around $1.50 range?
And who issues these reports to Wall Street?
And here’s an article where they are again blaming the switch and also saying there’s going to be spot outages:
I’m saying they can indeed manipulate information, and use information to profit.
Yes, its horseshit.
we all should buy electric cars and tell exxon to kiss our asses!!!
oil and gas prices are bullshit!!..ohh huricane katrina broke our gas lines now we must charge out the ass for gas cause it’s costing the gas companies…and the quartly income comes out…and what do ya know…largest record of profit for a company…wow…go figure that one out eh? supply and demand…among other crooked crap…
i think gov’t should step in and regulate 2 things…gas prices and health care costs…both are killing the u.s famalies…health care is redicilious now…
average 400 bucks a month for a family…and forget about going to the hospital…so frustrating at times when shit like this happens…
done venting…hehe…
:bigthumb: I love that shit!
I get that dammed email every time gas goes up