Just moved to Lockport from the DC area

Hello all,

I wanted to introduce myself, as I just moved to Lockport from the Washington, DC area. While I am the suit and tie type by day, my evenings and weekends revolve around cars. Thus, I would love to meet some people in the area interested in cars.

My primary whip is a heavily modified 2004 Honda S2000, while my other car is a BMW 325xi.

Additionally, in my spare time I work on S2000’s, as it is well known Honda techs are incompetent to work on the car (anyone who owns an S2k will tell you the horror stories). Thus, if you need work done to your S2k (i.e. routine maintenance, installation of mods, other general repairs) feel free to shoot me a PM. I guarantee I will charge you MUCH less than the dealer. If you need references, I can supply you with some.

I hope to meet some of you in the near future.


give some details and pictures of heavily modified?

whats up? where abouts in Lockport, thats were i am


whats up? where abouts in Lockport, thats were i am


Wynkoop Rd. - off of Dysenger.


give some details and pictures of heavily modified?


Hold on - have to type up list and find pics.

Hey, saw your post on s2ki as well. Welcome to the area. If you’re in Rochester sometime, look me up!

Actually, you should come out for a Rochester D&D meetup. Doug puts on about one a month and they’re always a good time. Usually 5-10 S2k guys.

“Just moved to Lockport from the DC area …”

I’m sorry, welcome I suppose :gotme:

What are you doing here in WNY? Work for Homeland security?

and out of all the places why lockport? lol

Welcome, I have a LOT of Lotus friends in the DC area. You should be stabbed for leaving there to come here, haha. I love DC man. Glad to see we got another cool car guy here. PM me sometime if you ever want to drive. LOVE S2000’s!

To respond to those as to why I moved here:

  1. I was laid off by the lobbying firm for which I worked and am tired of the extreme stress of working in politics in DC.
  2. My fiance is from two of the most prominent families in Upstate NY, thus their many connections should help me find a job easily.
  3. My fiance’s parents have a guest house and offered to let us live there for free. It sure beats the $1500+ a month rent I was paying to live in a gated community in the DC area!


welcome man


To respond to those as to why I moved here:

  1. I was laid off by the lobbying firm for which I worked and am tired of the extreme stress of working in politics in DC.
  2. My fiance is from two of the most prominent families in Upstate NY, thus their many connections should help me find a job easily.
  3. My fiance’s parents have a guest house and offered to let us live there for free. It sure beats the $1500+ a month rent I was paying to live in a gated community in the DC area!



$1500.00 ??? You got off cheap. I was there for 14 years. DC sucks…


  1. My fiance’s parents have a guest house and offered to let us live there for free. It sure beats the $1500+ a month rent I was paying to live in a gated community in the DC area!



got you beat on that in jersey my friend :slight_smile: but we have a beautiful place

welcome. my bf has a s2k as well. if we ever feel like cruisin’ to b-LO in it again sometime, we’ll meet up.


where are zee pixxx

edit: i hope it has a hard top, they are so hot

Welcome… So whats done to the car…??? Pics???

What field do you plan on working in?

welcome… i wanna move to the bethesda area right outside DC

Your fiance must be related to me.

a guest house in lockport, hrm, never heard of anything like that, is it nice?

I havent seen many places in lockport that are appealing


welcome… i wanna move to the bethesda area right outside DC


DON’T DO IT!!! My ex-wife is there. You have been warned!!