NYSpeed MOD Day

1st - Idea stolen from GP guys. /Credit

POLL Instructions -
If you have parts, and would be willing to install them @ MOD Day, then vote #1.
If you want to help, or will just show up for booze and food, vote #2
If your a loser, and don’t want to meet anyone on here, don’t vote, #3 is bad.

Got the idea when I started reading :
what parts do you have that arent installed yet?

Why don’t we meet up somewhere and get this crap put on our cars? I’m sure someone on here has a decent sized garage or parking lot, with some tools. Anyone requiring special tools is more than likely going to have them for the project, or be able to get them from someone on here. Everyone will learn something, the community will become closer, and WNY will have some faster cars.

I’ve been to 3 of them now (GP MOD Days) and they are really sweet. Bunch of guys show up, not all of them have mods to install so it becomes 3 guys under your hood instead of 1. Most of the people attending will have some sort of clue as to whats going on, or they can be tool fetchers, or hold my beer. BBQ would be easy, drinks are cheap. Progress can be made. If someone had a place to do it, I’d be willing to run around and get food and stuff. If I recall correctly we usually have them on Sat, starting in the morning, and working till late (later). Then cruise around enjoying the hard work.

If things go as planned, I should have a place by the time the snow melts. 4 car garage, huge u-drive w/ fresher blacktop, country atmosphere, hot tub, and the perfect road to test and tune on within 3 minutes. I’ll keep you posted on that part, as I cannot promise anything.

What do you guys think? Who would be willing to help/cooperate?

i coulda had my stuff done today if the certain companies sent me the right parts :frowning:

id help lend a hand though for whoever needs it

:snky: I would sit across the street with binoculars and a note book :slight_smile:

air compressor readily available

id only let two others on this forum touch my car.

but id be willing to help others out.

where would this be held?

persons house im guessing

as of now i have all my parts installed, so i voted #2, but if i break or need to replace anything when the time comes, ill be in for #1

I’ll vote #2 lol

This would be the house I’m working on getting. Already Pre-Approved, seeing the realtor Saturday… and I’m bringing some paperwork. I’m not contingent on anything, no debt, and the bank is ready to write the check, so as long as things are as they appear with the house, I’m in like Flynn.

Unless someone else has a sweet pad with a lift and stuff… I’m not picky

id be down, im going to need to install some fuel system shit, and mount an fmic, and prolly do some wiring of guages, and then theres some dents, maybe someone with some expeirence with body work would be there?

ive got a decent amount of tools and possibly could fit u all in my driveway if theres isnt more then 20 cars lol. my main concern is oil absolutly none is allowed. and if my tools r missing i break faces

20 cars would be more than I expect. If we have people just shittin around, they can park at mighty or something, then carpool to your place.

Voted 2… Because it is going to take me more then one day to do my shit and also really need a lift to do it… So I’ll drink beer…

Voted 3, because it’s the asshole choice… :stuck_out_tongue:


:tup: Thanks guys, productive as usual :wink:

Ill come just to learn stuff, becuase being a n00b, thats the only way, from experience people, so ill just hover and ask people, what does that do, how does that go on, whats the effect… blah blah…ill probably get annoying :frowning:

Oh yea would love to get together with other NYSpeeders, and help others where I could. Also would like to learn from any one more expierenced than I. Not to mention BBQ and Beer who ever doesn’t want to come for that just plan isn’t American.

i voted number 2, but after voting, i realized i could prob use some help hooking up my gauges. i think me haders are gonna take more than a day, but if people thinkwe can pull it off in 1 day i will accept all the help i cann get